Marine Tragedy at Trinity
Seven Lives Lost

The people of the North side of Trinity Bay were shocked this week the learn of the loss of the schooner "Marion Rogers" whilst attempting to enter Trinity harbour in the storm of Sunday night last. Seven men went to watery graves as a result of the loss of the schooner.

The first message, reporting the disaster, was received by the Chief of Police, at St. John's, from the constable at Trinity, who stated that the Schooner "Marion Rogers" was a total wreck and that portions of her cargo had been picked up at various places around Trinity harbour.

The schooner struck the rocks near the Fort Point Lighthouse, at the entrance to Trinity, where there is also a Fog Alarm.

Particulars as to whether the schooner was bound from St. John's direct to Trinity, or to New Bonaventure, T. B., are indefinite. She may have been bound to New Bonaventure, but weather conditions may have necessitated the Master, in attempting to harbour at Trinity. It is said that most of her cargo was the property of Mr. Wm. J. Butler, who operates a business at Bonaventure, and who was a passenger on the schooner and lost his life, Mr. Edward McGrath, of Trinity, was also a passenger.

The public dispatch from St. John's on Wednesday, is reactions to the incident reads as follows:

"No trace has been found of the members of the crew of the ill-fated schooner Marion Rogers, which struck the rocks near the lighthouse at the entrance to Trinity on Sunday night last. the members of the crew were Willliam Hogarth, Master, and his son Lester of Trinity East, Alfred Pitcher and son Simeon of New Bonaventure, T.B., William J. Butler, also of New Bonaventure, Ellis Butler of Port Rexton and Edward McGrath of Trinity."

The two Butler men were brothers. Mrs. George Gullage, of East Point, Catalina, is a sister to the Butler Brothers.

To all bereaved the Advocate extends deppest symathy (sic) in their tragic sorrow.

James Ivany of Toronto was an ex-partiate Newfoundlander who make many contributions to The Fisherman's Advocate, a weekly newspaper published in Port Union from 1918 to 1980. Included among his work was this poem concerning the loss of the Marion Rogers in 1938, published in The Fisherman's Advocate of March 2, 1962 (pages 5 and 11).

(The Fisherman's Advocate, December 2, 1938, page 5)

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