Latest from the Wreck

            By the Trepassey train which reached the city at noon to-day the bodies of two more victims of the ill-fated Florizel reached the city.  The remains were removed to the morgue and identified as that of Miss M. Barrett, a first class passenger, and Jose Mendez, a Spanish fireman.  The body of Miss Barrett was hooked up from the bottom of the sea between the shore and the wreck.  Her hair, which had become entangled with the seaweed, made it difficult for the rescuers to bring the body to surface.  At the time of death she was partly dressed in her night attire, having, we presume, slipped on some outer garments when the alarm was given.  The body of Jose Mendez was clothed in a pair of light blue overalls and was also hooked up from the bottom.  We learn from passengers who arrived by train this morning that there is every possibility of recovering a number of other bodies, which may be between the ship and the land.

The Evening Telegram, March 1, 1918

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